Friday, 1 March 2013


Hi there!

I work as a QlikView developer in the NHS, (UK National Health Service), designing dashboards for NHS organisations across Britain. Along the way, I've picked up a few tips which I'd like to share with you here on this blog.

This blog isn't just for QlikViewers working in health care organisations. It's for anyone that comes across similar problems and analyses that we do. So this could be things like working with very large, complex datasets or needing the bend the rules of what QlikView can do. And particularly being able to create statistical charts.

I hope to cover topics like incorporating SPC / 6 sigma charts, matching intervals to track patient journeys and anything else that I find interesting or have been involved in!

And please feel free to leave any comments, ideas or if you would like me to explain anything a bit more.

Erica :)


  1. Nice blog; I have added you to my reading list. I am an engineer using QlikView for similar problems, and need statistical analysis.

  2. Thanks Kevin. QlikView is such a powerful tool, but isn't used as much as it should be for statistical analysis

    Erica :)

  3. Excited to see this blog. I am in USA trying to use Qlikview for dashboards that incorporate control charts. Would love to hear more.
